Mariam Raja - Media Research

Thursday, October 20, 2005

DriP DriP THeoRy

theory in which ..they reapeat something so much it goes into your head, like sayin its muslim terrorist makes u believe it !!!

this links with my study becay=use the british news tend to repeat the same setory or idea on muslim over and over again, its makesd it out the story is actually bigger than it really is, this leads to moral panics and causes people to stay hating muslim and panic about them living near by, casuing socila problems.


name given to theory in which, the fact that they have chosen to present that news report, is kind of like them picking what they want to show.

so this fits in with islam in media becoz they only show terror

neva islamic charity events !!!

here is a link relating to news values, with reference to anothet theorist-

and also links with

Galtung and Ruge's

news hierachy theory.


term given to theory in which when a person watches a new report or reads something passes on the information and this spreads the media and shows that it has a made an impact on individual person.

This links with my study, because islamaphobia spreads mainly because of word of mouth and coz of the panic that people cause through gossiping.

Hypodermic Needle Theory

term given to the theory in which the media acts like a drug and injects us with information, which we believe in as passive audience.

it makes the audience seem like "zombies" and make the media out to be a powerful tool.

fits in with my work as islamaphobia a great example of this!!! :)


KeY CoNCePT - insituation

1. there is not one main insituation in my study, but when looking at a text ...the importance of who produced it obviously has an effect on it, and its purpose and message.

e.g - bbc will obviously be different to al-jazzera

or studying how news of the world diff to the sun or similiar to the sun.

so a news report 4 bbc- is made for everyone its shape in a way it informs and bring across the information in a formal and non-bias manner but muslim might view the text differently to christian or a uk person but view it different to a pakistani person. this is a publice service station therefor needs to provide for every1.

al-jazeera howeva are more one sided they might prove that muslim didnt do the attack or try and say the attacks were something good, as this is a commericial doesnt have to provide for everyone.

people can have influence like rupert murdock - an indiviual wid power!!!

insitaution forms a text and can make the doff in wat it shows and presents!!!

KeY CoNCePT - genre

well u cant really say my study follows a particular genre..however it has that theme of terrorism and polictics !!

conventions follow lots of statistics and individuals stories about terrorism and lookint into history of terrorism.

the major icongraphy features are pictures of terrorist and death and distress.

the themes of islamaphobia are -

trying to show VIOLENCE in muslim people.

Tryin to twsit islam to jusify the attacks

use past attacks

use new al-queeda videos produced !

showing distress pics .

the audience really expect the same kind of structure when watching a news report ( shown in narrative). it follows the same conventions, but with new information. there obviously are no stars and directors but there are those who pick what news is going to be shown and how its going to be shown. they are very powerful and there are common character roles followed as seen in narrative...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

KeY CoNCePTs- audience

the target audience for these news reports and newspaper article are mainly the whole uk population, obviously they try to include all class and age and really RACE...

they do try to make these reports so that muslim people will like them and will hopefully not notice the subtle sterotypes they potray, but it is very likely that muslim people do not like the western media.


here is a article where british muslim feel like they are being targeted by the uk media.

the insitution assume that the audience are stupid in a way or just zombie and whatever they are told they just believe, they do not question the information told.

the conditions they are likely to recieve this info is via net, tv or newspaper.. its under very formal conditions therefor the audience believe everything presented. the audience is obviously very large .

PERSONALLY- i feel the text is very 1 sided and very narrow minded, they show very sterotypical views of muslim, pre judge us all , and brand us the same. but the fact that im muslim may have an effect on my view !!!

KeY CoNCePT- Narrative

most news reports are structured to start of by showing the attacks and the devastation, they are very informative and contains stats abt the tradegies that occur.

towards the end of the news report they want to have answer, the audience need comfort and a resolution, and that normally where past islamic terrorist links are brought in, and then they link that in with the current attack as a answer.

the audience are position as if they are watching a story or a drama being revealed, every thing is shown in a todorov narrative and with a voice over and in chronological order, with a conclusion at the end.

the typical characters are the villians as the muslim terrorist , they present as the bad people in the story and then we have the innocent west that are being attacked by the villian.

within the narrative, we see a semantic field of words being used, that presnt the genre of islamic terrorism and islamaphobia.

major theme of the narrative is potraying muslim in the worse way possible through use of abusing language and converstaion from muslim and music that fast and dramatic when showing ordinary muslim and in newspaper the narrative's main focus is the language it uses to describe the events and who has done the event.

KeY CoNCePT - MeDia LaNGuaGe aND FoRm

looking into my study..i have to explore a number of text. Anaylsing them i have to look at them from a denotation and conatation level. Newspaper are normally the most interesting to look at, at first articles seem to look very informative and factual, but the language used is very clever and usually conates other offensive things.

pictures used in newspaper articles usually have many conotations, for example you only see white people mourning for people dying in terrorist attacks.

the signifance of these conatations is the newspaper or news company do not openly want to be bias or be shown as islamaphobic. Therefor they present messages in a subtle way, through the conatation of language and pictures.

its very common that when newspaper want to represnt or show muslim they show them wearing only tradition dress e.g women wearing burka or show men with breads and guns. this send out a non-verbal message that all muslims are like this, even though they dont say that....the western audience create their image of muslim people from this.

in a typical news report sound and language of coverage of a terrorist attack is very important. the sound is normally of men shoutin, we see that talkin very aburpt and in anger, show muslim men as very brutal and we hear shouting and the sound of the attack and how bad it was. language makes a MASSIVE difference in both newspaper and a news report....word like "extrememist" have contations that create a sense of fear and a sterotype image.

the main image shown when it comes 2 muslim being represnted are:

osama bin laden

men with beards living in caves

women in burka

twin tower falling

attack on 7/7

but is it fair that these are the typical images that respresent islam...what about mecca and the holy book the quran ...children going to mosque school...why does the western media never show islam, but only show islamic terrorist!!!

Editing in news report are done in a particular way so that they show what they want and potray the point they want....e.g they may show children being happy about the attacks who are muslim but do not show the mosque praying for those who have died, they manipulate the audience in thinking in the way they want them 2 think, by showing quick powerful edited sequences.,,1640204,00.html

here is a gurdian artcle about cutting down extremeism !,,1639511,00.html

again newspaper article about extremism!

KeY CoNCePT - media values and ideologies -

the major ideologies in my text is that islam is being represnted wrong and that streotype of a group can cause disruption to people's life.

it shows what sterotypes and prejudice leads to!!!

the assumption made by the media is that all muslims are "terrorist", this broad assumption leads to many social problems :(

also we learn the strong power the media has, how it can make such a impact. this idea of islam in media being misreprensented and people believeing it helps fit in with alot of media theories.

values brought across in my study are that racial hatred still exist and the sadness that a strong tool as the media wants to cause such problems.

here is a link explaining post colian theory which can link with the "western" and "eastern" idea

Certain selecting process is used to show certain context that proves the western media point ... E .G -

!. showing kids burning usa flags

2. pictures of terrorist showned over and over again

3.repeated imagery of osama bin laden

this leads to the representation of islam being presented in a bad way !

KeY CoNCePT - representation

in my study i am looking into the representation of islam and muslim, and how they are being respresentation in the western media !!

the subjet of islam and muslim in the western media is represnted in a very negative and they are normal potrayed as bad individuals and a bad group group. It is mainly negative because of all the recent terrorist attack. the "west" can not understand why islamic people would want to cause such devastion and there for feel much anger against them...this also allows them to sterotype all of dem into being religion the media they are termed as fanatic or fundamentalist.

of course this representation is not accurate and true and they just potray a small group of muslim extremeist. They present to everyone through "fake facts" that islam provokes all this voilent and hate.

well there are new opportunites for self representation of muslim, there is a new project called " project islam" that tries to stop the misrepresntation of muslim in the media:


also there are new media campaigns that try to show the audience the effect of "islamaphobia" - i personally seen a pack at a police station stating : " STOP ISLAMAPHOBIA".

there are many sites now that show how islam is represented wrong - up there on the net for the whole world to see!!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

PoLiTiCaL iSSueS-

my whole study is very political-

there are many issues of terrorism, laws, the understanding of realationship between two countries and the most important factor WAR.

issues that realte to my study are * iraq war
* 9/11
* 7/7

ECoNoMiCaL iSSueS -

economical issues that effect my work are-

* some argue that the reason islamic terrorism goes on is because these muslim are unhappy of the west treatment towards islamic countries such as iraq. many believe that the only reason george bush is sending troops in iraq is for him to claim the petrol, and make usa a economically richer country. well many argue that the media does not show the truth about the iraq war, but i personally feel no 1 really knows the truth abouth the iraq war. only bush, and wheater it is a economical war is debateable.

also the story of anti muslim, and islamaphobia is more economically benificial to the western media because there are more "western" audience then there is muslim, so it will sell more.

also the whole "asian cool ting" is more of a indian thing therefore the west and india, do not have issue with one anothe, their cultures kind of meets, where as rules in islam totally dnt meet the western culture.

HiSToRiCaL iSSueS ReLaTiNG To My WoRk -

In the past there have been many wars with other faiths fighting muslims and this sitill goes on today.

religions such as hindus and sikh have not been at peace with muslims since the islamic country pakistan was formed.

also christianity and islam have been fighting wars, all throughout history, they have been some pretty big wars and some famous civil wars between the two faiths.

here is some text giving some info on a civil war between the 2 faiths and shows some of the troubles it faced:

*** After the civil war, the Christians and Muslims seemed to come to an understanding that their interests had to be balanced and that the country was too weak to remain independent without Western backing, but also that they could not afford to be isolated in the Arab world. As much as many Muslims wanted Lebanon to be part of the greater Arab world, they also knew that they would lose their individual power if that were to happen.
At the same time, an intense political rivalry always remained just below the surface of relations between the factions, and these only grew as it became clear the demographics of the country were changing. According to the agreement they had reached, the proportion of Christian to Muslim representatives in the government was supposed to be 6 to 5. By the 1970s, Muslims believed the population had tilted in their favor, but the Christians refused to allow a new census that might confirm the suspicion that they were now the minority. This was a source of persistent frustration in the Muslim community.


the west and muslim have never actually been good friends, there has always been tension between the 2 , maybe coz of religion , the 2 religion are quiet similar and problems probably originate from who is right and who is wrong!

plus media has cahnged over time , nowaday the reports are live as it happens and people are educated in being good journalist, so the NEWS itslef is so much better den wen reportin terrorist was back then.

SoCiaL iSSueS ReLaTeD To My WoRK -

some of the social issues that my work relates to is now the hatred between muslim and other religion living in the u.k. There have been lots of hate crime, that have been relating to the racial issues of muslim against the rest. Many mosque have been shot at all throughout the uk and many children being bullied just because of the religion they believe in.

other social issues are stories such as the uk government suggested that muslim women should stop wearin hijab- as this will create more hate crime. however many muslims will argue they feel as if their identity has been taken away from them and also that the goverment shouldnt have the right to tell a religion what is right and what is wrong. government and religion should not mix.

there are comtempary issues such as riots occuring in uk , rite now that present exactly what social problems are caused coz of islamaphobia. the link below explains it:

also nowadays there are more muslim living in western areas such uk, france, generally in europe meanin the "western" people have to learn to live with what they call the "enemy" which u can imagine, causes alot of voilence!

PeoPLe iVe CoMMeNTeD oN THiS WeeK -

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


the narrative plays a important part in the representation of islam-

looking particualry at=

* language used in reports focusing on powerful words in particular.

* tone of the report

* mode of adress

* headlines and captions.

the "terrorist" reporting also follows the narrative of propps characters allocation, the " villian" and the "hero" as the west !


ideology's for my study are-

1. media has the power to create social change and show the world as it wants to, shows what a power source the media is.

2. media causes social panic and problems

3. muslims are misrepresnted in the media

4. media is the main reason of islamaphobia

also racism challanges a multi-culrural society, one could say it makes people unite more to fight against it but other can say it causes more of a break up and again leads to social problems!




and this works good because it makes a common enemy which unites the wstern community, makes them come together and create some kind of order in society. the western audience get pleasure out of "cussin" the terrorist, its some sort of comfort.


My study does not particulary look at "genre" ...however it can be said the genre of "polictical" text is being studied in order to get a conclusion for my study.

however it can be seen as the "news" genre,,,and this can be broken down into radio, tv,...ect...

T.V- tv news is very very factual, i mean if im looking at bbc, and sky news as my main source of Tv news, it is very to the point, tells u the story, as it happens, its live and its quick, it lets you know the main facts of a story with not much opinion.

newspaper- newspaper are more opinionated, they can express stories after they know the whole story. They hold more facts and becuase they know much more they tend to be much more detailed then tv reports.

this is a site talkin about news value:

News values
At the outset, Meyrowitz identifies Agran's lack of media exposure as being what prevented him from obtaining media exposure. He was repeatedly referred to throughout the campaign (if at all) as an 'outside contender', a 'dark horse' and so on. Since he was never presented by the mainstream national media as a serious contender for the candidacy, he was unable to achieve the airtime on TV or radio debates, which might have enabled him to be seen as a serious contender. This is an example of the circularity implicit in Galtung's and Ruge's news value of 'reference to élite persons'. Certain persons, by virtue of the position they occupy, qualify as élite persons. Thus certain candidates were guaranteed some media exposure, for a while at least, from the very beginning of the campaign by virtue of holding élite posts as state governors, senators etc. Agran was the mayor of a small town. Apart from those in élite posts, the media pay attention to anyone who is important, but, of course, anyone who is important is in the news. Catch-22: if you're not in the news, you're not important, so you don't get into the news.
What is particularly interesting is the continued failure of Agran's campaign to gain any significant media attention even after four of the candidates had withdrawn from the Democratic field. Agran achieved more new York votes to be placed on the ballot than Jerry Brown, but only Jerry Brown was permitted to speak in New York City's public debates with Bill Clinton. At one point, Agran stood up and spoke from the floor of a debate on urban problems, his speciality, stating 'I respectfully ask to be included in this forum'. he was promptly wrestled to the ground, dragged outside and arrested. Even his arrest fuelled little media interest. Even the fact that he remained under threat of imprisonment as a result of this incident for the following ten months and his repeated attempts to focus attention on the implications of that for an open society generated little attention. Meyrowitz's research suggests that a variety of factors contribute to the disregard of Agran's

here the link:


A very important aspect of my study is the represontation ....and how muslims are represented in the media.

i will look to see if there are any sterotypes, and if there are any i will see what are the sterotypes.

what things are done repeatly to make them be represnted in this way?

is it a positive or negetive represontation?

what part does "terrorism" play in the represontation on islam in the media?


In my study i will look into a wide range of insituations..including :

** bbc = bbc tries to create quiet a open minded news report, as its reporting for the whole of a multi-cultural u.k!

** sky news = personally i seen some quiet subtle bias reports on sky news, but generally they the same as bbc try to create a open minded news report!

**CNN = americans biggest news broadcast, has same moral as bbc, trying to be open minded, usually dont say much 2 offend muslims.

**different newspaper: braodsheet and tabloid = tabloids are allowed to have their own belief, they normally have a kind of mode of adress they follow, for some reason newspapers can be more open 4 e.g wen a suspected terrorist was caught the newspaper read " caught the bastard" but the man was only a suspected terrorits and u cud say he didnt get a fair trail.

each insituation helps me understand islam in the media better!

MeDia LaNGuaGe

When looking at the media as a whole ( as i am in my project) there are many media language aspects you should look over, that help illustrate the represontation of islam in the media.

1. camera angles and shot in newsreports - what shots are they showing and how are they showing it, is it slow motion or made quicker for an effect. are certain things cropped from the shot or not? zooming into victims facing in a terrorist attack, makes it personal and has a very upsetting effect.

2 . Lighting - in newspaper pictures or news report- is the lighting creating a happy or a dark effect? e.g in the sun the terrorist were shown, but the lighting was very dark to create a glommy effect.

3.custome- now this is more to do with how they show the typical muslim- do they just show muslim in traditional dress or modern clothes. the custome has an effect on the audience. they always show women in burka and men with beards to empathise on sterotypes.

4. focus on the dialect and language spoken- do reports use certain words that make a impact and does movin images show people talking in a certain way...or certain thing. what they show can have a massive effect on causing sterotypess !!! words like "fanatic" create a certain effect.


Media Proposal

“ How is Islam misrepresented in the western media and how does this create islamphobia? “

For my A2 media independent study I am going to look into the representation of Islam in the western media and how the media has the power to represent Islam in a bad way. I am going to study what is “Islamphobia” and how and what causes it. I will need to study websites and look into newspapers reporting into Islam and watching over old news reporting of terrorist attacks. Analysing the text will be crucial for me to understand how the western media uses language and images to make representation occur.

M- Camera angles can make a difference to what is being shown, how people are dressed can cause stereotypes (linked with costume), lighting in coverage can make a difference, the language used can have a great difference.

I- Studying BBC, sky news, Diff type of newspaper: tabloid, broadsheets.

G- Genre is looking into Islamic related studies and text.

R- How are Muslim represented and why are represented in this way. What things are used to make them be represented in this way. Are stereotypes used?

A- Audience is very big and mixed the western media is for everyone, every race and age and is for Muslim and Non- Muslim people.

I- Ideology behind my whole study is that Muslim are misrepresented in the media and I prove how they do this.

N- The narrative is done through language used in the newspaper and language used by the reporter in the news report and what tone is used to present the news and what the mode of address is like.

1) Social – social problems are people in the uk living in one area with hatred for one another, they feed off info given from the media. Problem with women wearing hijab in france.

2) Historical – links can be made with the western world always not meeting eye to eye, with the crusade and wars in the past with Islamic country.

3) Economic – The iraq war is related to usa wanted oil and more economic power, and people say the western media don’t show the truth about the war.

4) political- Lots of political issues involved, with war and terrorist attacks occurring.
Wider context and issues and debates:

Muslim people in the uk have to live in places where sometime is dominated more by western people. They live in areas of racial hatred and segregation. How it can be debated is the media to blame for the hatred because whereas do these people get such bad ideas about Muslim people? So can it be debated that if the government were to stop this poor representation of Islam there would be less racial problems.

Also these stereotypes come from the terrorist, but have the western government ever tried to talk or communicate, maybe through UN or stopping the Iraq war, to see what the consequences are, is enough being done to stop terrorist.

Also in relation to the media, do the western broadcasters know enough about Islam before broadcasting information on a topic?


*HYODERMIC THEORY- the media having the power to manipulate the audience, having an effect of a drug on the audience.

*SPIN- having ability to portray something with your own interest in mind.

*USE AND GRAFICATION- make audience believe it has the choice to pick and mix from the media production, but really media is operating within a cultural and ideological framework. in more simple terms it is wen the audience watch something and enjoy it but also learn something from it, like changing rooms on BBC.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

iNTeRNeT LiNKs 4 Ma WoRK x x x

1. = a site on is islam and how the media deals with it.

2. _ a article on again islam and how it deals with media.

3. = a guide to media and islam.

4. = again talkin abt islam and how it is misrepresented in the media.


My InDePeNDeNt STuDY x x x

My independent study is on islam and the media and how is islam represented in the media. I study how is "islamaphobia" created through media and the language and image the media uses. For this im going to look into many newspapers and new reports on attacks that have been claimed to be done by muslim terrorist and see how bias the western media is.
My tittle at the moment is " how is islam represnted in the western media and how does it create islamaphobia?"