ECoNoMiCaL iSSueS -

economical issues that effect my work are-
* some argue that the reason islamic terrorism goes on is because these muslim are unhappy of the west treatment towards islamic countries such as iraq. many believe that the only reason george bush is sending troops in iraq is for him to claim the petrol, and make usa a economically richer country. well many argue that the media does not show the truth about the iraq war, but i personally feel no 1 really knows the truth abouth the iraq war. only bush, and wheater it is a economical war is debateable.
also the story of anti muslim, and islamaphobia is more economically benificial to the western media because there are more "western" audience then there is muslim, so it will sell more.
also the whole "asian cool ting" is more of a indian thing therefore the west and india, do not have issue with one anothe, their cultures kind of meets, where as rules in islam totally dnt meet the western culture.
At 7:00 AM,
Macguffin said…
Think also about the economic context in relation to the media texts themselves.
Do negative representations sell newspapers, for example?
Is the muslim audience too small and economically powerless for the mainstream media to bother about? (Thus leading to these representations?)
Why has the whole 'Asian Cool' thing passed Pakistanis by in the UK?
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