Mariam Raja - Media Research

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

MeDia LaNGuaGe

When looking at the media as a whole ( as i am in my project) there are many media language aspects you should look over, that help illustrate the represontation of islam in the media.

1. camera angles and shot in newsreports - what shots are they showing and how are they showing it, is it slow motion or made quicker for an effect. are certain things cropped from the shot or not? zooming into victims facing in a terrorist attack, makes it personal and has a very upsetting effect.

2 . Lighting - in newspaper pictures or news report- is the lighting creating a happy or a dark effect? e.g in the sun the terrorist were shown, but the lighting was very dark to create a glommy effect.

3.custome- now this is more to do with how they show the typical muslim- do they just show muslim in traditional dress or modern clothes. the custome has an effect on the audience. they always show women in burka and men with beards to empathise on sterotypes.

4. focus on the dialect and language spoken- do reports use certain words that make a impact and does movin images show people talking in a certain way...or certain thing. what they show can have a massive effect on causing sterotypess !!! words like "fanatic" create a certain effect.


  • At 6:39 AM, Blogger Macguffin said…

    Very good.

    Can you give a specific example of each one (that you've found during your research) to show what you mean?


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