Mariam Raja - Media Research

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


A very important aspect of my study is the represontation ....and how muslims are represented in the media.

i will look to see if there are any sterotypes, and if there are any i will see what are the sterotypes.

what things are done repeatly to make them be represnted in this way?

is it a positive or negetive represontation?

what part does "terrorism" play in the represontation on islam in the media?


  • At 11:37 AM, Blogger dp866GHS said…

    safe mariam, i found a site that i think u can use:

    go to it!

    and u spelt representations wrong lol!

  • At 6:45 AM, Blogger Macguffin said…

    Give general descriptions of some of the common representations/stereotypes.


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