Mariam Raja - Media Research

Thursday, October 20, 2005

KeY CoNCePT - genre

well u cant really say my study follows a particular genre..however it has that theme of terrorism and polictics !!

conventions follow lots of statistics and individuals stories about terrorism and lookint into history of terrorism.

the major icongraphy features are pictures of terrorist and death and distress.

the themes of islamaphobia are -

trying to show VIOLENCE in muslim people.

Tryin to twsit islam to jusify the attacks

use past attacks

use new al-queeda videos produced !

showing distress pics .

the audience really expect the same kind of structure when watching a news report ( shown in narrative). it follows the same conventions, but with new information. there obviously are no stars and directors but there are those who pick what news is going to be shown and how its going to be shown. they are very powerful and there are common character roles followed as seen in narrative...


  • At 7:30 AM, Blogger Macguffin said…

    Yuo are getting there in your last paragraph.

    Take note of my last post to you on genre.


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