Mariam Raja - Media Research

Saturday, October 15, 2005

PoLiTiCaL iSSueS-

my whole study is very political-

there are many issues of terrorism, laws, the understanding of realationship between two countries and the most important factor WAR.

issues that realte to my study are * iraq war
* 9/11
* 7/7


  • At 7:02 AM, Blogger Macguffin said…

    Needs developing.

  • At 7:10 AM, Blogger Macguffin said…

    In particular - you need to do lots of research into the new law that prohibits attacks on religion (Islam included).

    This is a key issue because it's an attempt by the government to prevent the media expression of hatred towards groups that were previously unprotected - unlike Christians.

    But there's a big censorship/freedom of speech debate here too that you'll also need to grapple with.


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