DriP DriP THeoRy
theory in which ..they reapeat something so much it goes into your head, like sayin its muslim terrorist makes u believe it !!!
this links with my study becay=use the british news tend to repeat the same setory or idea on muslim over and over again, its makesd it out the story is actually bigger than it really is, this leads to moral panics and causes people to stay hating muslim and panic about them living near by, casuing socila problems.
this links with my study becay=use the british news tend to repeat the same setory or idea on muslim over and over again, its makesd it out the story is actually bigger than it really is, this leads to moral panics and causes people to stay hating muslim and panic about them living near by, casuing socila problems.
At 7:44 AM,
Macguffin said…
I agree with Iena (not that you're a nerd) that you need to include more on how the theory relates to your topic.
Another good link you've found. Well done
At 7:45 AM,
Macguffin said…
Don't forget - you have loads you can include about 'moral panics' - research this and include the noted you got from the lesson.
At 7:47 AM,
Macguffin said…
Overall - I'm very impressed with what you've done so far!
Keep up the good work!!
At 3:00 PM,
Steven said…
Cool theory. You can say how this can applies to the terrorists and to the public.
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