Mariam Raja - Media Research

Thursday, November 10, 2005

SeLF EvaLuaTioN !

a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade (1-5) with an explanation:
Submission and quality of homework
Ability to work independently
Quality of writing
Organisation of Media folder
Oral contributions in classb.

Make a list of three targets/areas for improvement over the next half-term.

* attainment: 2 - i think what i have achieved is of alot and it is all of a good standard.

* effort : 1- i always try my hardest and try to achieve to the highest level .

*punctunality: 3- pretty average, im always there just late sometimes.

* submission of work n homework- so far i done all my work n blog work.

* ability to work alone: 2 - i work coz i no its only going to benifit me, and my choice of uni motivates me.

* quality of writing: 3- pretty average, find it diffucult to get a flow within a essay.

* oral contribuation- 1 - i always have someting to say.

* organisation of folder- 2- have dividers, sections, its pretty neat.


* start thinking about eassy and put more time aside on working on courework.

* do blog work as its set so it dont pile up.

* look into more media stories.


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