Mariam Raja - Media Research

Friday, November 11, 2005

re writing the title

AS i am not using a text to focus my idependant study around, i used to think i cant use a quote in my question but by studying texts to back up my points in my study , i realised there are some hard hitting quotes, that clearly show racism toward muslim people in the media, that can be used, these are espicially present in newspaper ( daily mail has a few famous ones) i cud use " praise be to allah, dancing with joy the warrior race of fanatics born to detest the west"....................... this is good because it shows some of the things i talk about in my study the use of the word "west" and the idea of terrorism and them using "allah" name to jusifty these acts...! My title will apart from that be very simple, as it is clearly studying a topic, it has to be direct, matter of fact, explain what it is planning to study into and whats its purpose,so my title can be someting along the lines of : the quote then HOW IS ISLAM REPRESENTED IN THE WESTERN MEDIA or i have the option of already telling the reader the idea of islamaphobia and giving them insight into the study, so i cud say : quote HOW IS ISLAMAPHOBIA PRESENT IN THE WESTERN MEDIA, this isnt a question but more a statement, also i have the option of having a one sided HOW ARE MUSLIM MISREPRESENED IN THE MEDIA but i think this seems to bias, OVERALL my title needs to be clear, to the point and explain that my independant study is one that explores a topic rather then a text, and what it is exploring needs to be obvious, without any bias!


  • At 10:26 AM, Blogger none said…

    good work, maybe you could add a few more detaiked note on your text, but so far excellent


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