Mariam Raja - Media Research

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

KeY CoNCePTs- audience

the target audience for these news reports and newspaper article are mainly the whole uk population, obviously they try to include all class and age and really RACE...

they do try to make these reports so that muslim people will like them and will hopefully not notice the subtle sterotypes they potray, but it is very likely that muslim people do not like the western media.


here is a article where british muslim feel like they are being targeted by the uk media.

the insitution assume that the audience are stupid in a way or just zombie and whatever they are told they just believe, they do not question the information told.

the conditions they are likely to recieve this info is via net, tv or newspaper.. its under very formal conditions therefor the audience believe everything presented. the audience is obviously very large .

PERSONALLY- i feel the text is very 1 sided and very narrow minded, they show very sterotypical views of muslim, pre judge us all , and brand us the same. but the fact that im muslim may have an effect on my view !!!


  • At 7:29 AM, Blogger Macguffin said…

    Here you need to consider the specific audiences for the texts you are analysing in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, etc.

    Get the info from the internet.

    Are there any differences in terms of representation depending on the audience being addressed?


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