Mariam Raja - Media Research

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Disney 3

a) What influence has Disney had on society?
b) How does Disneyland Resort Paris use that same influence to market the resort experience? c) Choose three different Disney characters portrayed in the resort, identify what qualities have led to their individual appeal and success

Disney creates a form of escapism from the real world, its a place where children and parents can bond, so its one the pleasent places in society.

the disney resort has the same influence as the market resort as it presents this magical kind of experience. and this is also done by the real life use of the character.

here are 3 characters in the resort:

1. crela de vel - she show to be the villian, someone for the children to be scared of, shows not every1 in the world is good.

2. mickey - is the original disney mascot, he reminds u of how it all started, he is kinda the king of thge kingdom.

minnie - she is his gf and reminds us of the ideaologies of love and romance.


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