Mariam Raja - Media Research

Saturday, November 26, 2005

mariam making a difference to islamaphobia

well i officially found a show that i thought was personally very racist to muslim and followed the typical sterotypes, however i cant find much info on the show i think its new. well i find 1 bbc site and i made a official complaint to the bbc about there show...wo ho proud of myself. so here ma complaint...( im jst showing off now ) and heres da site....

On 26th november 2005, the bbc aired a programme called "American dad" on BBC2. Now what i am oblivious to is why was this show, aired on a public broadcasting service, that is meant to educate, inform and entertain, because this show did nothing but purely offend me. Numerous time in the programme comment were made about muslim people being terrorist, or wanting to blow up the neighbourhood and it continued to sterotype all muslim as fanatics. This is the first time i watched the programme, and watched all of it waiting for some sort of resolution at the end of the programme, that teaches the audience that these sterotypes are not true. Many of the comments were racist and to me very offensive, even though its obvious from the genre of the show this was meant to be comedy, there was nothing i find funny about it. I think the BBC should think about what it airs , and it should try keep the respected repuatation it holds, and not enflict racial sterotypes through its shows. thank you.


  • At 1:42 AM, Blogger dp866GHS said…

    i c u feel very strongly about this programme and your study, weldone mariam cos ur views are so right, it's time to question wats going on now especially with these moral panics that create hate towards muslims. your blogs loking gud doh girl, keep it up!


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