Mariam Raja - Media Research

Saturday, January 21, 2006

SELF EVALUATIONWrite an evaluation of your progress on the Media course since the first Interim Report

.a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade (1-5) with an explanation:

Attainment - I think that last report i was given a B, and i think that this term we been working more harder, looking at more sheets and stuff...i think a B wud b good again.
Effort - I put in a lot of effort, i think thats evident, however more can always b done. maybe a 2 or a 3 for a grade.
Punctuality - im dere most of the time!
Submission and quality of homework - i always do ma work as much as possible, u no i think i missed da odd homeworks and that.
Ability to work independently - yep i have motivation 2 work hard on my own, i tend to work ok alone.
Quality of writing - Its ok i guess..gramma a bit messed
Organisation of Media folder - its gettin dere, section dividers and evating.
Oral contributions in class - i always talk in class !

Make a list of three targets/areas for improvement over the next half-term -

1. put 100 % into the media coursework
2. do all homework and keep practising essay
3. start focsuin on A2 now...coz it comin soon


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