Mariam Raja - Media Research

Sunday, January 08, 2006

First paragraph of Study....

As a powerful insituation in todays society, the media has the power to influence an individual's thoughts and belief. Each form of media is mediated to potray the makers beliefs, and it acts like a syringe of information to its audience. This is evident when looking into the representaion of islam in the media. Historically and Polictically the western world have never seen eye to eye with the islamic world, and this became more obvious through recent terrorism events such as 9/11 and 7/7. These events are publicised globally through the world of the media, therefore giving the media the big responsibility of representing muslim and islam in whateva manner they want. However through studying the media, what became evident was that the majority of western media tend to show islam in a negetive light and sterotyped all muslims as being "fanatics". This negetive representation has lead to many social problems and has created Islamaphobia within the world we live in.


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