Mariam Raja - Media Research

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blog evulation

. How easy has it been to set up your Independent Study blog and to get used to posting things on it? Were you given enough support in doing it? What other help would have been useful? it was pretty easy to set up and post on, i think it was quick and effective and i feel we get enough help to set it up.

2. How did the blog help with your research? Did the blog motivate you to do more and better research? How? Why? the blog helped with the reseach because it made it easier to collect then loads of sheet and was easier to link sites, it did motivate me to work harder and do more work because da site was a visual way of seeing the progress of ma work.

3. Is it useful having all the Independent Study/blog tasks posted on the Macguffin blog? Does it make it more likely that you will get them done? i didnt like this idea, i dont no why, im a bit paro about people reading ma work, but i think its a good way of seeing each oda work easily.

4. How often (honestly!) do you check the Macguffin blog? (Remember, it should be at least twice/week). about 3 times a weeek.

5. Has it been useful being able to see and access everyone else’s research and planning through their blogs? 4 me personally seeing oda work was not useful.

6. How do you feel about the fact that your teacher can keep a close check on your progress through accessing your blog? Is it too intrusive and controlling or is it encouraging and supportive? its ok i guess, easier 4 teacher 2 see who is wrkin or not. i guess if u wrkin then u have nuffin to worry abt.

7. How useful have the comments been that you received from…a. Macguffin, b. other students. they been helpful, espicially the teacher comment. they help show me wat is missin from ma work.

8. How has the blog helped with your essay planning? How useful was the blog when it came to writing the essay? Do you think your first draft is better because you have used a blog? the blog help do the first draft and it was easier 2 plan essay as all the info was there that i needed to plan. it was quick n easy.

9. How would you evaluate the quality of your blog? What could you have done better? i think ma blog is very imformative and is of good quality.

10. Do you think you will get a better final grade for your independent study through having used a blog? ye i think my grade will be better with this blog, as it helped me see all the things i needed to know, and was so easy to plan my essay.

11. Which are the best three blogs? Why? i like ruseell, anchal and manjoth. interesting to read, good info and attractive to look at .

12. Do you think next year’s Year 13s would benefit from setting up an Independent Study blog? ye i do think its benificial.

13. Are there any negative aspects to preparing for an Independent Study using a blog? too time consuming, some pointless exercise.

14. What could be done to improve teaching and/or learning in future through blogs? i think that wat is done is good enough, i dunno to improve learning a online dictionary wud b good.

15. Overall, are you pleased that we used blogs? Has it been interesting and enjoyable? Why? Why not? its been ok , not enjoyed bt was ok 2 do . i like having them 2 work wid.


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